Friday 2 August 2013

25 degrees - no sweat!

WHHHHHHHHHHHHHATTT? wrong. Sweat. Lots and lots of it.

Current plan - the color run 5K training plan -- as a work up to longer distance training

I just knocked out a short, but grueling 2.04 miles in 31m15s. That's a 15.37 min/mile pace.  Basically means - work!! I can do it, I can do it :)

I've always wavered back and forth on the whole 'running thing'. Don't get me wrong, I have done a few 5k's, with decent time (1st one, 48:18. 2nd one, 46.53) and have the jackets to show for it. But for some reason I back off afterwards, and then end up starting from scratch again, as I am now. It's my hope that with the current goal race being well in to the future - and a doozie of a distance, that by the time May comes, running will be a habit for me - a way of life, part of a daily routine.

Now that I've started, the challenge will be to keep going. As a source of motivation, I've registered for the Scotiabank Toronto Marathon - 5K. I'll be doing it with G in the stroller. It serves 2 purposes at this time -- 1) an end date to the goal of being able to run the 30 min straight. and 2) to support G's dad in his first ever run/serious attempt at regaining his health.

Next big challenge: food. Christ, that part is always the killer. I've been doing some reading, and have several options in terms of 'plans' -- as of right now, the only thing I am certain of is that I'm going to be working on incorporating way more clean food into my diet then anything else. I've been having way too much of that 'sluggish, blech' feeling as of late, and I need my mommy energy back!! Hell, I need a piece of normal.

How did I feel at the start of the workout?
- determined
middle of the workout?
- deflated... it was so much harder then I remembered.
end of workout?
- hopeful ... it can only get better from here, with the right attitude.

post run Aug. 2/13

Monday 29 July 2013

473 days

473 days -- that's how much time there is between today and the expected date of the 2014 NL bodybuilding competition. A competition that I've just committed to participating in. On stage. In front of everyone. Oy!

 Saying that I know what it's going to take is a gross overstatement. I'm super well-aware that I have no idea what really goes in to making this goal a reality, but what I do know is that I'm ready to learn. I'm a metaphorical sponge, and I'm prepared to sop up the buckets of knowledge that are going to be thrown at me. I also know that I'm going to be put through the wringer more times in the next 15 months then I can imagine are humanly possible. But, at the end, when I end up coming out of it on my feet (and in spike heels, at that)- I'll know that I can overcome absolutely anything that will ever be thrown at me.

That said, I've used my own personal training background (still building on it, but one day, I'll be awesome!) to create a SMART outline for myself. Goal setting requires a plan for execution... here's mine:

S (Specific) -- lose weight so that my son never needs to watch mommy struggle, and compete in my first ever figure competition
M (Measurable)-- lose 110 pounds(35 by NYE), run half marathon with Vee, compete!
A (Action)-- workout 5-6x/wk, eat clean (and track EVERYTHING), manage any issues with proper care ie: dr, physio, massage.
R (Realistic) -- lose 1.5-2 lb/week, journal food and review with trainer, learn to run/crossfit/training
T (Timely) -- 13-15 months (full)
        Short term- 15-19 weeks
        long term - 8-12 months

For now, this is a start. To come : more details about training, food management, and how it all works in the rest of my world.

Stay tuned... I think this is going to be one helluva ride.