Monday 29 July 2013

473 days

473 days -- that's how much time there is between today and the expected date of the 2014 NL bodybuilding competition. A competition that I've just committed to participating in. On stage. In front of everyone. Oy!

 Saying that I know what it's going to take is a gross overstatement. I'm super well-aware that I have no idea what really goes in to making this goal a reality, but what I do know is that I'm ready to learn. I'm a metaphorical sponge, and I'm prepared to sop up the buckets of knowledge that are going to be thrown at me. I also know that I'm going to be put through the wringer more times in the next 15 months then I can imagine are humanly possible. But, at the end, when I end up coming out of it on my feet (and in spike heels, at that)- I'll know that I can overcome absolutely anything that will ever be thrown at me.

That said, I've used my own personal training background (still building on it, but one day, I'll be awesome!) to create a SMART outline for myself. Goal setting requires a plan for execution... here's mine:

S (Specific) -- lose weight so that my son never needs to watch mommy struggle, and compete in my first ever figure competition
M (Measurable)-- lose 110 pounds(35 by NYE), run half marathon with Vee, compete!
A (Action)-- workout 5-6x/wk, eat clean (and track EVERYTHING), manage any issues with proper care ie: dr, physio, massage.
R (Realistic) -- lose 1.5-2 lb/week, journal food and review with trainer, learn to run/crossfit/training
T (Timely) -- 13-15 months (full)
        Short term- 15-19 weeks
        long term - 8-12 months

For now, this is a start. To come : more details about training, food management, and how it all works in the rest of my world.

Stay tuned... I think this is going to be one helluva ride.

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